Biostimulation of connective tissue cells

The so-called biostimulators are substances that, after injection into the skin, stimulate the connective tissue cells to produce substances such as collagen and elastin, which rebuild the skin structure and thus slow down the aging process.
The great advantage of biostimulation is that the skin can be more elastic after the treatment without the tissue volume, e.g. in the facial area, increasing excessively. Likewise, the skin structure can be significantly refined by reducing the signs of light-induced skin aging (wrinkles), traces of acne, and the moisture penetration of the skin can improve, so that the face shows a youthful glow again.
In order to start this regeneration process sufficiently and to achieve tangible and visible results, three treatments are usually necessary at intervals of several weeks.
One The real effect of the treatment only becomes apparent after several months, so it is a medium to long-term investment in your own beauty and healthy skin with a good benefit-risk profile by slowing down the aging process. Of course, there are also exclusion criteria here.
The biostimulation treatment can be easily integrated into your everyday life thanks to its few side effects and is suitable for the needs of both younger and more mature skin.
The result after a treatment with biostimulators can never be clearly predicted, as it depends on the individual tissue quality and the regeneration potential of the individual patient. The improvement in skin quality is often visible for years after the initial sessions, but should be refreshed at regular intervals.
Other areas of the body such as the neck and décolleté, backs of the hands, stomach, thighs, upper arms and buttocks can also be treated are suitable for the use of biostimulators.
Depending on the product, the effect of biostimulation is based on different active principles such as a specific activation of the connective tissue cells (so-called fibroblasts) according to the key-lock principle inflammatory processes or mechanical activation.
We have various products in our portfolio that we select according to your individual needs, because not every product is equally suitable for all body regions and facial zones.
e.g. we use polynucleotides (PN-HPT: Polynucleotide HighPurifies Technology), poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) or microspheres (smallest particles of calcium hydroxyapatite) in the treatments.
To a small extent, hyaluronic acids also stimulate cell production and in so-called hybrid products can bridge the developing connective tissue renewal with an immediately visible result.

INDICATION: Wrinkles, scars, dry skin, signs of skin aging, loss of skin tone/elasticity, loss of radiance on the face, neck and décolleté, back of the hands, abdomen , thighs, upper arms and buttocks

TREATMENT: injection with microneedles or microcannulas


ANESTHESIA: on request local anesthesia before treatment (numbing cream), cooling

RESULT: partly immediately, effect builds up over time

DURATION OF TREATMENT: normally 15 – 30 minutes


POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS: tried and tested treatment with low rates of side effects – occasionally there may be slight external side effects (e.g. bruises, visibility of the injected material analogous to “mosquito bites”)

DURABILITY: 6 – 36 months

Ask our advice.

We’ll be glad to provide you with detailed information about this treatment. Simply get in touch with us now and obtain advice at an individual and absolutely personal level.

+49 30 - 94 041 144

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