intimate surgery
at the practice clinic Wolff & Edusei in Berlin

More and more often, women are finding the courage to address the discomfort they feel with aesthetic deficiencies or functional disorders in their genital zone. The problems range from more aesthetic concerns to specific physical complaints such as pain when doing sport – e.g. cycling – and during intercourse.

In the same way as a genital zone which has suffered injury and scarring from birth, labia which are perceived as too small or too large, asymmetries, or a mons pubis which is oversized or slack can impair female wellbeing and thus also quality of life in the long term.

Since intimate surgical treatment continues to be a taboo area, it is still very much a niche sector today. But thanks to state-of-the-art methods in aesthetic and plastic surgery, more and more women are finding their way to our practice.

Our membership of the interdisciplinary Society for Aesthetic and Reconstructive Intimate Surgery in Germany (GAERID e.V.) enables us to offer you intimate surgery at the very highest level in collaboration with our specialist colleagues.

With plenty of sensitivity and tact, from woman to woman, we help to recognise and remedy shape irregularities in the genital zone and perform aesthetic microsurgical corrections. Our experience shows that even a small operation can help to improve a woman’s wellbeing in her genital zone immensely.

I'd like to learn more about this topic

Below, you can learn more about the surgical treatment options for the intimate zone that we offer in our practice clinic.

  • mons pubis lift
  • mons pubis reduction
  • reduction of the inner labia
  • reduction and shaping of the outer labia

I'd like to make an appointment for consultation or treatment

We’ll be glad to inform you in detail in a personal consultation about the possible methods of treatment from the field of intimate surgery and the effects they have, and discuss your expectations, wishes and aims in detail. Make an appointment now!

It goes without saying that your case will be treated with the greatest care and discretion in our practice clinic.

Before the initial interview

Before you come to us, you could give some thought to the following questions:

  • Was genau stört Sie an Ihrer Intimzone?
  • Leiden Sie auch an körperlichen Beschwerden?
  • Was wünschen Sie sich?
  • Welche Form und Größe schweben Ihnen vor?
  • Warum möchten Sie sich in der Intimzone operieren lassen?
  • Waren Sie in den letzten Monaten schwanger oder haben Sie vor schwanger zu werden?
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