Botulinal toxin injection

The muscles of the face are anchored in the skin that lies directly over them, and they cause that skin to move automatically when we change our facial expression, speak or chew. As the years pass, noticeable lines and wrinkles can develop in these areas, and after some time these may also be visible when the skin is not being moved. The targeted, finely dosed injection of botulinal toxin causes the muscle to relax, so the skin that lies over it and the connective tissue can recover and regenerate. Little by little the creases smoothe out, the skin structure improves noticeably, and the desired anti-aging effect comes about.

Botulinal toxin is a protein which has been in successful use in medicine in the treatment of various different illnesses for many decades because of its effect on the nerves.

Only tiny dosages are used in aesthetic medicine. They have a positive effect which can be exploited to make creases relax.

Botulinal toxin treatment can prove very effective for wrinkles on the forehead such as the vertical ‘angry furrow’ or the horizontal ‘furrow on the brow’, for laughter lines (“crow’s feet”), wrinkles around the mouth (‘pleats’), lip wrinkles, hanging corners of the mouth or uneven chin surfaces (“witch’s chin”). Not only that, however: longitudinal creases on the neck, other neckline creases and eyebrows which are too low can also be treated specifically and successfully with Botulinal toxin.

Interestingly, botulinal toxin is also excellent when used for the treatment of increased perspiration, so-called ‘hyperhidrosis’, in the armpits or on the hands and feet. Many men and women suffer from this condition for years on end, and that can be particularly awkward for them in their professional life (e.g. sweaty palms, sweaty feet, sweaty stains on business shirt).

The fear of being poisoned by Botulinal toxin injections, often expressed, is unfounded. The quantities injected in aesthetic medicine are so small that the risk of a systemic poisoning effect or accumulation of the toxin can be disregarded – even with regular use. Type A botulinal toxin, used in the treatments we offer, is a very safe and reliable active substance. It is broken down completely by the body and excreted.

In many cases, it makes good sense to combine botulinal toxin treatment with treatment with hyaluronic acid, thread lift or chemical peeling.

INDICATION: furrows on the forehead, angry furrows, worry lines, furrows on the brow, laughter lines, crow’s feet, lip wrinkles, witch’s chin, hyperhidrosis (increased perspiration)

TREATMENT: injection via microcannulas


ANAESTHETIC: local anaesthetic on request

RESULT: visible onset of effect after approx. 3 – 5 days, full effect after 14 days

DURATION OF TREATMENT: normally 15 – 30 minutes


POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS: proven treatment with low side effect rate – bruising, formation of asymmetrical wrinkles, muscular imbalance or headache can occur temporarily in isolated cases

DURABILITY: 3 – 6 months

Book an appointment for your botulinum toxin and glow consultation!

Visit the Botulinal toxin and Glow consultation with Dr. med. Stella Sanader, specialist in ENT medicine and DGBT-qualified colleague (German Society for Aesthetic Botulinum and Filler Therapy).
Appointments are available every Tuesday. Book your desired appointment easily and conveniently online via the Doctolib profiles of Dr. Andrea Wolff or Dr. Isabel Edusei. Select your desired time and follow the link.

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