FAQ Beauty & Wrinkle Injections:
Here you will find answers
to the most frequently asked questions

How is a filler treatment performed?

During the initial consultation, we will advise you in detail about the treatment methods that seem sensible to us in relation to your “problem areas” and also make suggestions for long-term therapeutic and prophylactic treatment of your tissue with our fillers.
Good consultation and a long-term trusting doctor-patient relationship are a main focus of our practice clinic.
To this end, we work with you to create a treatment plan that includes the recommended materials, prices and treatment intervals, risks and potential complications, as well as a possible social breakdown when injecting fillers.
This initial treatment plan will be adjusted and specified again and again in the course of treatment according to your needs.

What fillers are available?

In our practice clinic, hyaluronic acids on the one hand and biostimulators on the other hand are used here, which – used individually or in combination – induce a natural and fresh appearance.
In most cases, it is purposeful to combine various treatment methods such as botulinum toxin, thread lifting, chemical peeling and suitable cosmetics, e.g. in the context of anti-aging therapy, in order to achieve an optimally natural result and to maintain it.

What are fillers / dermafillers?

The term “filler” (also dermal filler) refers to substances that are injected into or under the skin in order to produce various effects in the tissue that have a positive effect on tissue architecture and skin quality.

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