Eyelid lift

As the ‘mirror on our soul’, it is our eyes that express our feelings most clearly. If the area around our eyes is free of wrinkles it looks vital and friendly. By contrast, sagging, heavy eyelids make our facial expression look weary and fatigued. An eyelid lift can provide a long-term remedy for this.

Our youthful appearance fades more and more with increasing age. Because the skin on our eyelids is thinner than in other parts of the body, it is here that this slackness can be seen most clearly. The formation of wrinkles in the skin around the eyes is one of the first signs of the natural aging process.

Subjectively, creams and massage may give us a feeling of rejuvenation, but in most cases they cannot delay the inexorable aging process in the long term. Microsurgical treatment in the form of an eyelid lift is an effective measure.

In the case of drooping upper eyelids (“drooling eyelids”, drooping eyelids surgery), sagging and wrinkled lower eyelids (“bags under the eyes”) and shadows under the eyes, the aim of eyelid lifting is to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. When the upper eyelids are corrected (upper eyelid correction, upper eyelid lift), excess skin is removed, muscles are tightened and fat is removed, when the lower eyelids are lifted (lower eyelid correction, lower eyelid lift), excess skin and fat tissue is removed or relocated.

Because of the good circulation in this region of the face, the healing process following an eyelid lift is rapid. The scars are, as a rule, hardly visible at all.

INDICATION: hooded eyelids, lachrymal sacs



ANAESTHETIC: local anaesthetic / semi-conscious sedation / general anaesthetic

RESULT: preliminary results visible after approx. 1 week


SPORT: after approx. 2 – 3 weeks

Ask our advice.

We’ll be glad to provide you with detailed information about this treatment. Simply get in touch with us now and obtain advice at an individual and absolutely personal level.

+49 30 - 94 041 144

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