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Abdominal wall lift (abdominoplasty)

Large weight loss, weight fluctuations and genetic predispositions can lead to the skin on the abdominal wall sagging and diets and exercise prevent it from returning to its original shape. The skin and connective tissue can also be overstretched and overhang after pregnancy due to the large volume change in the abdominal region (“mommy makeover”).

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can help eliminate this problem area by removing excess skin and fatty tissue in the abdominal region. Sometimes only a small detachment of the abdominal wall is required, which makes the procedure gentler overall. The later scar after a tummy tuck is within the bikini zone and is therefore hardly noticeable. Sometimes the abdominal wall has to be mobilized up to the upper abdomen in order to achieve the desired result. The navel is then returned to its original position over the abdominal wall.

In many cases, an additional tightening of the abdominal muscles is necessary in order to adequately treat a so-called “rectus diastasis”, i.e. a separation of the straight abdominal muscles, which is typical after pregnancy, and to narrow the waist.

In addition to the classic skin tightening on the lower abdomen, a tummy tuck may also remove fat deposits on the abdominal side and fat on the upper abdomen is suctioned out. In certain cases, a tummy tuck should also be combined with liposuction in two stages. If the skin is free of scars, has no stretch marks and there is only a small amount of excess skin, a simple liposuction can also lead to the desired result.

In the case of extreme forms of weight loss, which can lead to the formation of a fatty apron with skin irritation and functional problems, the health insurance company may cover part of the costs. This indication is also common in men.

Which type of tummy tuck is suitable for you depends on your wishes and ideas as well as on the clinical findings and should be discussed in detail in a personal consultation before the treatment.

INDICATION: excess skin, e.g. severe weight loss due to illness, after a diet, pregnancy

HOSPITALISATION: outpatient up to 5 days


ANAESTHETIC: General anesthesia


SPORT: after approx. 6 – 12 weeks

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