FAQ Breast reduction & breast lift:
Here you will find answers
to the most frequently asked questions

What is meant by a "double inner bra"?

If a breast implant is placed under the muscle and a breast lift is also performed with the body’s own tissue for support (so-called “augmentation mastopexy”), we speak of a “double inner bra”.

How does the cost of a breast lift or breast reduction with an internal bra compare to other breast lift or breast reduction procedures?

The cost of a breast lift or breast reduction using the “inner bra” technique may vary compared to other methods. The “inner bra” techniques used as part of a breast lift or breast reduction are sometimes more expensive and may be added to the standard price for a breast lift and/or breast reduction.
If patients suffer from significant weight loss with loss of shape and sagging of the breast in combination with tissue sagging of the lateral chest wall, for example, we offer a special surgical technique. This involves not only tightening the lateral breast wall in the same breast operation, but also using the tissue thus obtained to rebuild, tighten and reshape the breast at the same time. This surgical technique is much more sustainable than a standard breast lift, but is also more complex and expensive.

For whom is the "inner bra" technique suitable for a breast lift and breast reduction?

The use of an ‘internal bra’ during breast surgery is particularly suitable for patients who have sagging skin and soft tissue. This can be genetic or caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, previous breast implants, significant weight loss or the natural ageing process.
The looser the tissue is before breast surgery, the less stable the surgical result will be, as the breast may sag again due to gravity. In some cases, it may be necessary to tighten the breast at a later date. In general, it should be noted that breast surgery cannot fundamentally improve the quality of the tissue.
In order to achieve the most sustainable result possible for these patients, it can be useful to use the body’s own tissue to form a supportive ‘inner bra’. Various customised surgical techniques are used at the Wolff & Edusei Clinic for this purpose.
The ‘inner bra’ can also be used to make the breast more beautiful and firmer without the need for a breast implant, which is known as ‘auto-augmentation’.

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